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namespace esperecyan\webidl;
class TypeHinter
use lib\Utility;
* Converts a given value in accordance with a given IDL type.
* @link https://github.com/esperecyan/webidl/blob/master/README.md#esperecyanwebidltypehintertotype-value-argnum-pseudotypes webidl/README.md at master · esperecyan/webidl
* @param string $type The IDL type.
* @param mixed $value The value being converted.
* @param int $argNum The argument offset that received the value being converted.
* Arguments are counted starting from zero. If the caller method is __set(), this argument are ignored.
* @param (string|string[]|array)[] The associative array with the identifiers of
* callback interface types, enumeration types, callback function types or dictionary types
* (the strings passed in $type) as key.
* For the corresponding values, see the link.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* If $value is not castable. The exception includes a message with method name etc.
* @throws \DomainException If $value is not castable. The exception includes a message with method name etc.
* @return mixed
public static function to($type, $value, $argNum = 0, $pseudoTypes = [])
try {
return lib\Type::to($type, $value, $pseudoTypes);
} catch (\LogicException $exception) {
$callerInfomation = self::getCallerInfomation();
$errorMessage = $callerInfomation['function'] === '__set'
? sprintf(
'Value set to %s is not of the expected type',
$callerInfomation['class'] . '::' . $callerInfomation['args'][0]
: sprintf(
'Argument %d passed to %s is not of the expected type',
$argNum + 1,
$callerInfomation['class'] . '::' . $callerInfomation['function'] . '()'
if ($exception instanceof \DomainException) {
throw new \DomainException($errorMessage, 0, $exception);
} elseif ($exception instanceof \InvalidArgumentException) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException($errorMessage, 0, $exception);
} else {
throw $exception;
* Throws an exception with a message that represents a read-only property. Must call from __set() method.
* @link https://github.com/esperecyan/webidl/blob/master/README.md#esperecyanwebidltypehinterthrowreadonlyexception webidl/README.md at master · esperecyan/webidl
* @link https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#dfn-read-only WebIDL Level 1
* @link https://wiki.php.net/rfc/propertygetsetsyntax#read-only_and_write-only_properties PHP: rfc:propertygetsetsyntax
* @throws \BadMethodCallException 呼び出し元のメソッドが __set() 以外の場合。
* @throws \LogicException An exception with a message that represents a read-only property.
public static function throwReadonlyException()
$callerInfomation = self::getCallerInfomation();
if ($callerInfomation['function'] === '__set') {
throw new \LogicException(sprintf(
'Cannot write to readonly public property %s',
$callerInfomation['class'] . '::' . $callerInfomation['args'][0]
} else {
throw new \BadMethodCallException(sprintf('%s must call inside a %s method', __METHOD__ . '()', '__set()'));
* If a user tries setting to a private or protected property, it will trigger a fatal error.
* If a user tries setting to a non-existing property, it will create a new public property.
* Must call from __set() method.
* @link https://github.com/esperecyan/webidl/blob/master/README.md#esperecyanwebidltypehinterthrowreadonlyexception webidl/README.md at master · esperecyan/webidl
* @link https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#dfn-read-only WebIDL Level 1
* @link https://wiki.php.net/rfc/propertygetsetsyntax#read-only_and_write-only_properties PHP: rfc:propertygetsetsyntax
* @throws \BadMethodCallException 呼び出し元のメソッドが __set() 以外の場合。
public static function triggerVisibilityErrorOrDefineProperty()
$callerInfomation = self::getCallerInfomation();
if ($callerInfomation['function'] === '__set') {
if (!self::triggerVisibilityError($callerInfomation['class'], $callerInfomation['args'][0])) {
\Closure::bind(function ($instance, $name, $value) {
$instance->{$name} = $value;
}, null, $callerInfomation['object'])->__invoke(
} else {
throw new \BadMethodCallException(sprintf('%s must call inside a %s method', __METHOD__ . '()', '__set()'));
* If a user tries setting to a private or protected property, it will trigger a fatal error.
* If a user tries getting to a non-existing property, it will trigger a notice. Must call from __get() method.
* @link https://github.com/esperecyan/webidl/blob/master/README.md#esperecyanwebidltypehintertriggervisibilityerrororundefinednotice webidl/README.md at master · esperecyan/webidl
* @throws \BadMethodCallException 呼び出し元のメソッドが __get() 以外の場合。
public static function triggerVisibilityErrorOrUndefinedNotice()
$callerInfomation = self::getCallerInfomation();
if ($callerInfomation['function'] === '__get') {
if (!self::triggerVisibilityError($callerInfomation['class'], $callerInfomation['args'][0])) {
'Undefined property: %s',
$callerInfomation['class'] . '::' . $callerInfomation['args'][0]
} else {
throw new \BadMethodCallException(sprintf('%s must call inside a %s method', __METHOD__ . '()', '__get()'));
* アクセス権エラーを発生させる。
* @param string $className 完全修飾クラス名。
* @param string $propertyName プロパティ名 (クラス名を含まない)。
* @return bool 成功した場合に真を、プロパティが存在しなかった場合に偽を返します。
private static function triggerVisibilityError($className, $propertyName)
$existed = property_exists($className, $propertyName);
if ($existed) {
'Cannot access %s property %s',
(new \ReflectionProperty($className, $propertyName))->isPrivate() ? 'private' : 'protected',
$className . '::' . $propertyName
return $existed;
* 呼び出し元のメソッドから getCallerInfomation() を実行するまでに含まれうる最大のスタックフレーム数。
* @internal
* 呼び出し元のメソッドと引数の値を取得します。
* @throws \BadMethodCallException クラスに属さない関数、または関数やメソッドの外から呼び出した場合。
* @return (string|null|array|object)[]|null debug_backtrace() が返す要素と同じ。
* ただし function キーは、トレイトのエイリアス名ではなく元のメソッド名を返します。
private static function getCallerInfomation()
foreach (debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT, self::STACK_FRAME_LIMIT) as $stack) {
if (isset($stack['class']) && $stack['class'] !== __CLASS__) {
$stack['function'] = (new \ReflectionMethod($stack['class'], $stack['function']))->name;
return $stack;
throw new \BadMethodCallException(sprintf('%s must use inside a method', __CLASS__));